Mobile Service Technologies, Inc. - Licensed and Bonded - Creative solutions - Superior Results

Bill Dick

Phone: 208 660-9845
ID Contractor # RCE-9011
Mobile Service Technologies, Inc - Welding Mobile Service Technologies, Inc. - Metal Fabrication Mobile Service Technologies, Inc. - Repair Mobile Service Technologies, Inc - Welding Mobile Service Technologies, Inc. - Metal Fabrication Mobile Service Technologies, Inc. - Repair

Lake Access
Heavy duty hardware brings the staircase to the shore. The crane gently moves the new staircase to it's footings.
Bolted in place the new staircase is secure. The StairCase landing provides a great view of the lake.
Ornate and beautiful, this staircase will serve lake access for many decades. Another view of the dock and staircase, joined together at the footings.
Come back soon to read a short paragraph or two about this project.